Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays & Public Holidays)
- 9.00am to 1.00pm
- 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Almost everything prescribed by your doctor can be obtained from the dispensary in Grimston Medical Centre
Fast Computerised Repeat Prescription Service
- Your order form lists your medication
- Tick the medicines you require
- Tick the box for your chosen collection point
- Your prescription will be available within five working days at the Medical Centre – non-stock items may take longer.
- If you have given us your mobile phone number, we can notify you by text message when your prescription is ready for collection from us.
- We supply 4 weeks medicine at a time.
- Please allow extra time for Bank Holidays
To prevent errors, the dispensary staff do not accept telephone requests for repeat prescriptions.
You can also request repeat prescriptions on line: they will be ready for collection within 5 working days, you will be notified of the collection date when you make your request online.
If you wish to speak to a dispenser, please call after 11:00.
Free Prescriptions
The dispenser will tell you if you qualify for free prescriptions or if you would benefit from a ‘Prescription Season Ticket’.